Catalog NoND9 and ND11 Compatible Insert Vial - Product Details and Specifications
10 09 9271Insert Vial, Clear, 200 µL, 31x5.8 mm, Conical Bottom
10 09 9272Insert Vial, Clear, 250 µL, 31x5.8 mm, Conical Bottom
10 09 9273Insert Vial, Clear, 250 µL, 29x5.8 mm, Conical Bottom, Polymer Feet
10 09 9274Insert Vial, Clear, 350 µL, 31x5.8 mm, Flat Bottom
Catalog NoND8 Compatible Insert Vial - Product Details and Specifications
10 08 9271Insert Vial, Clear, 150 µL, 31x5 mm, Conical Bottom
10 08 9272Insert Vial, Clear, 200 µL, 31x5 mm, Conical Bottom
10 08 9273Insert Vial, Clear, 350 µL, 31x5 mm, Flat Bottom
10 08 9274Insert Vial, Clear, 200 µL, 29x5 mm, Conical Bottom, Polymer Feet
For more information, contact us at info@doalab.com

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