Catalog NoVial Product Description
10 09 9175ND9 Screw Neck Vial, Clear, 1.5 ml, 11.6x32 mm
10 09 9176ND9 Screw Neck Vial, Clear, Printed, 1.5 ml, 11.6x32 mm
10 09 9177ND9 Screw Neck Vial, Amber, 1.5 ml, 11.6x32 mm
10 09 9178ND9 Screw Neck Vial, Amber, Printed, 1.5 ml, 11.6x32 mm
10 09 9179ND9 Screw Neck Vial, Clear, Printed, 1.5 ml, 11.6x32 mm, 150 µL Inserted
10 09 9180ND9 Screw Neck Vial, Amber, Printed, 1.5 ml, 11.6x32 mm, 200 µL Inserted
10 09 9181ND9 Screw Neck Vial, Clear, 1.5 ml, 11.6x32 mm, 200 µL Inserted
Catalog NoCap & Septum Product Description
10 09 9010ND9 Screw Cap, 1.0 mm, Red PTFE, White Silicon
10 09 9011ND9 Screw Cap, 1.0 mm, White PTFE, Red Silicon
10 09 9015ND9 Screw Cap, 1.0 mm, Blue PTFE, White Silicon, Pre-slitted
10 09 9012ND9 Screw Cap, 1.0 mm, Red PTFE, White Silicon, Bonded
10 09 9013ND9 Screw Cap, 1.0 mm, Blue PTFE, White Silicon, Bonded-Slitted
For more information, contact us at info@doalab.com

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